Fellowship Application Extended until Monday, September 18

Agency by Design Teacher Fellowship, 2017 - 2018

2016-2017 Fellowship Cohort

2016-2017 Fellowship Cohort

Agency by Design Oakland is gathering a cohort of Oakland educators to participate in a professional learning community focused on maker-centered learning and teacher-led classroom inquiry. This fellowship will take place from October 2017 - May 2018. Program details and the application form are below. All applications should be submitted by September 18; accepted applicants will be notified by early October.

Agency by Design Oakland is the Bay Area-based component of the Agency by Design research project. Agency by Design explores the promises, practices, and pedagogies of maker-centered learning developed by  Project Zero, a research center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Agency by Design Oakland participates in action research and dissemination of research findings through professional development and grants for educators, with a focus on equity and sustainable change.  Our priority is to serve underserved student populations and communities of color.

Throughout the year, Agency by Design Fellows will delve deeply into the pedagogical framework and instructional strategies of maker-centered learning, experimenting in their classroom practice and reflecting within the learning cohort. Inquiries will focus on an area of practice the fellow identifies as core to their own next steps in deepening their practice.

Agency by Design Fellows will commit to:

  • Attend three full day study group sessions throughout the school year. A substitute stipend for all three days will be made available to Title I schools. Full day sessions: Monday, November 6, 2017, Monday, December 4, 2017, and Friday, January 12, 2018. 

  • Attend eight Tuesday after school sessions, 4:30-6:30: October 10, November 14, December 12, January 9, February 13, March 13, April 10, and May 8.

  • Participate in and attend a culminating event showcasing our inquiry work on Saturday, May 5, from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  • Engage in inquiry related to maker-centered learning, experiment within their classroom practice, and reflect and share with the fellows cohort.  

  • Create “Pictures of Practice” documenting inquiry work, with the goal of sharing research with a broader audience. Possibilities include: writing a blog post, hosting a Maker Educator Meet-up, or recording a podcast.

In addition, teachers who participate in the fellowship will have access to one‐on‐one coaching and school site professional development. All Fellows will receive a minimum of $500* in additional teacher pay/stipend.

Please read through the Agency by Design Oakland and Agency by Design websites to learn about our work before completing the application.

The application questions, listed below, are designed to allow you the opportunity to think through what you hope to gain from this experience. Should you wish to apply for the Fellowship,  please submit your answers via google form using these links:

For returning fellows:

  1. What impact did last-year’s fellowship have on you and/or your students?

  2. What ideas or inquiries regarding maker-centered learning are you interested in exploring?

  3. What are your personal leadership goals within the maker-centered learning landscape? What support might help you reach those goals?

For prospective fellows:

1.  Please describe your teaching and learning context, including population demographics, learning needs, community culture, etc.

2.  How do you currently incorporate maker‐centered learning into your practice?

3.  How might your learners benefit from your participation as an Agency by Design Oakland Fellow?

4.  What would you hope to gain from the Agency by Design Oakland Fellowship experience?

5.  In your opinion, why is maker‐centered learning valuable?

6.  It is important that participants understand the time commitment involved with this experience. How do you see this fellowship integrating into your current schedule and workload?

*We are continuing to pursue funding to be able to provide a larger stipend.