2021-2022 Agency by Design Oakland Fellowship Cohort
Castlemont High School
From left to right:
Reina Cabezas, Sustainable Urban Energy, 9th grade
Rachel Abramson, International Science Teacher
“Maker-centered learning resonates with me because of the inherent Indigenous pedagogy that it’s rooted in. Indigenous pedagogy is typically hands-on, working with and collaborating with the land, as well as with each other. It is also rooted in the preservation of culture, language, belief systems, and the four orders of life, not just human life.”
Reina Cabezas, Sustainable Urban Energy, Castlemont High School
Community Day School
From left to right:
Michael Gebreslassie, Science and Math Teacher
Trey Keeve, English Teacher
Elisabeth Barnett, Math Teacher
“Humans are made to create! Using our hands, minds, bodies all at once to bring life to the intangible things we envision and experience is empowering. Maker-centered learning offers a way to guide students into more "aha" moments that fuel their desire to keep learning and growing.”
Elisabeth Barnett, Math Teacher, Community Day School
Fremont High School & Montera Middle School
From left to right:
Jess Villanueva, 9th grade English Teacher & Senior Capstone, Fremont
Fatimah Salahuddin, English & Ethnic Studies, Fremont
Quinn Ranahan, Math Teacher, Montera
“Maker-centered learning supports students AND teachers learning. It provides space to express yourself, while also maintaining a critical and curious lens. It creates a liberating and healing experience for all those involved.”
Quinn Ranahan, Math Teacher, Montera Middle SChool
Frick United Academy of Language
From left to right:
Fatimah Guienze, Art Teacher, Frick
Simone Delucchi, Restorative Community School Manager
Lou Veramessa, Music Teacher
“The school "system" can cloud the purpose of education for both teachers and students [but] maker-centered learning pushes teachers to keep the learner at the heart of their work. The fellowship provides tools for us to re-imagine and redesign the system one classroom or school at a time so that more profound learning can happen.”
Fatimah Guienze, Art Teacher, Frick
Garfield Elementary School
From Left to right:
Abdul-Haq Khalifah, Lead Mentor New Teacher Support & Development, OUSD
Katya Meltaus, TK Teacher
Andi Gonzalez, Second Grade Teacher
Kiana Pineda, Third Grade Teacher
“Maker-centered learning brings rigor AND joy to the classroom. My goal as an educator is to facilitate learning that will cultivate student agency, collaboration, and joy & healing.”
Andi Gonzalez, Second Grade Teacher, Garfield Elementary School
Lazear Charter Academy
From left to right:
Kara Fleshman, Arts and Sciences Teacher, Tk-2nd
Dierdra McKnight, Third Grade Teacher
“[Hands-on] learning opens the door for our authentic selves to come through, to remember what it feels like to learn through active doing instead of just passive absorbing.”
Kara Fleshman, Arts & Sciences, Lazear
MetWest High School
From left to right:
Daniel Harbarger, 9th grade Advisor (English, Ethnic Studies, Internship teacher)
Linh Linh Trinh, Advisor & Science Teacher
“I imagine making to be liberating for young people who have had their creativity and curiosity silenced throughout their years in traditional schooling.”
Linh Linh Trinh, Science, MetWest
Oakland International High School
From left to right:
Katie Rodgers, Special Education (Special Day Class and Resource Specialist Program)
Genevieve Leslie, Academic Literacy and Life Skills Teacher grades 9/10
Rachel-Anne Palacios, Multi-cultural Arts Specialist
“[When students create] they enter a zone that goes beyond "school" in the traditional sense, but a realm of limitless possibilities. Investigation becomes the natural way forward. Students own what they have learned because they are making the meaning themselves.”
Genevieve Leslie, Academic Literacy & Life Skills, Oakland International High School
Park Day School
From left to right:
Rachel Stone, 6th Grade Humanities Teacher
Joyce Ting, Drama Teacher
“A maker-centered approach encourages students to more deeply understand the designed systems in our world, and imagine ways to redesign towards justice.”
Rachel Stone, 6th grade Humanities, Park Day School
Urban Promise Academy
From left to right:
Cory Jong, 8th-grade US Hxstory/Ethnic Studies
Monica Yupa, Computer Science Teacher
Laura Young, 6th Grade Reading Intervention & ELD Science
“As a teacher focused on Ethnic Studies and Abolitionist teaching in my second year with the fellowship, I have started to internalize the Project Zero thinking routines and implement them more regularly in my teaching practice. Agency by Design Oakland has provided a community to support me through the pandemic.”
Cory Jong, 8th grade US Hxstory/Ethnic Studies, UPA
Photos by Nico Chen
Click on photos to see bios.
2019-2020 FELLOWSHIP
Click on photos to see bios.
2018-2019 FELLOWSHIP
The 2018 - 2019 Agency by Design Oakland fellowship included educators from across the Bay Area. The leadership team was comprised of Nico Chen, Alia Ghabra, Paula Mitchell, Ilya Pratt, Brooke Toczylowski, and Susan Wolf. Click on photos to see bios.
2017-2018 FELLOWSHIP
The 2017 - 2018 Agency by Design Oakland fellowship included educators from across the Bay Area. The leadership team was comprised of Angi Chau, Paula Mitchell, Ilya Pratt, Brooke Toczylowski, and Aaron Vanderwerff. Click on photos to see bios.
2016-2017 FELLOWSHIP
The 2016 - 2017 Agency by Design Oakland fellowship included educators from across the Bay Area. The leadership team was comprised of Wendy Donner, Ilya Pratt, Brooke Toczylowski, and Aaron Vanderwerff, four Bay Area-based educators who led the West Coast component of the Agency by Design research project. Click on photos to see bios.